Thank you for joining us again for worship. We’re so glad to have the chance to continue to connect with you even when we can’t be together in body. Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page if there’s anything you enjoyed about these holy experiments or if there’s anything that would help as you worship along with us. 

As Pastor Dave says in the video, the church’s need for support doesn’t change just because we can’t meet together. He outlines a variety of ways to continue your giving, including through our website:

Blessings and peace throughout the coming week.


To scroll through the bulletin, hover your cursor (computer) or tap the image with your finger (mobile device).
031520 Traditional

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-712386.


  1. Hi Pastor Dave, we are in Honolulu and just finished watching tomorrow’s service,Excellent as as always. Colon, Ben, Dean and Doug also did good, thank them for us.
    We are enjoying the tropical sun. we pray for you and the our church family daily. Take care of your self. We plan to return to Redmond on the 24th.
    In Christian Love,
    Jean &Hal Mills

  2. Thanks for taking the time to record a service – very nicely done and much appreciated!

  3. I thank all of you for putting on this service , it means so much to me as I have not been there since I had my shoulder surgery on Jan. 30. It makes me so sad that we can’t go to Church, but I feel so blessed that we can still spent time in the Church with all the ones that make sure we still have a service. Thank all of you that are a part of this. Love in Christ

  4. Larry and Monnie Meland

    Thank you Pastor Dave, Staff and members who participated in this meaningful service. We appreciate the caring effort that it takes to put this together.

    God’s Peace and Love,
    Monnie & Larry

  5. Thank .you so much for recording these services. I have missed worshipping at Cross of Christ these last couple of months, so they are much appreciated.

    We were planning on returning from Arizona early next month, but now it looks like it will be some time before we can get back. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I miss you and pray that you are staying safe and healthy, and that we all will be able to worship together again soon.

    Bev Walker