
Quilters at Cross of Christ are busy creating quilts for Lutheran World Relief,
Compass Alliance, Congregations for the Homeless, and Eastside Baby Corner as well
as other local needs.

Each quilt is one of a kind, made from cotton or cotton-blend fabrics.
The tops are created at home and ,as a group, we tie the tops, batting and backs
together with simple knots. The edges are sewn on machine.

Quilters meet the second and fourth Monday of each month from 10:00 am to
2:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. At about noon we break for a sack lunch and

Quilters welcome donations of cotton and cotton-blend fabrics, colored top
sheets, light blankets and 2 ply crochet thread in all colors.

This is a great stewardship opportunity for all.

For more information contact : Sandra Volkman 425-644-9604 or
Wanda Magee 425-427-8680