Welcome to ICYMI Worship!  ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It, and our ICYMI series will give you a brief snapshot of worship each week so that you can worship in your home, on the road, or wherever life takes you.

At Cross of Christ, our basic worship order is based on worship patterns from Hebrew traditions and biblical accounts of the earliest Christians:

We GATHER with songs and prayer,
We HEAR God’s word,
We SHARE a meal of bread and wine,
We are SENT into the world to love and serve. Let us know how this format works for you.

This week we begin a month of celebrating the wonders of God’s creation.

Our Gathering hymn is All Creatures, Worship God Most High! (ELW #835)

This week’s readings are:

Genesis 1:1-2, 10

Psalm 8 — read responsively

O God our King, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

All of creation beckons me to worship you.
The grandeur of the universe, echoes your glory!
More than spectacular is the work of your hands!
Who can match your brilliance and authority?

O God our King, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You set boundaries for the ocean,
You raise majestic mountains to touch the sky.
Sunrise and sunset happens on your watch.
Holy. Holy. The earth is filled with your glory.

O God our King, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
The moon and the stars that you have established;
Who are human beings that you are mindful of us,
That you would entrust us rule over all you’ve made?
How is that we, mortal and meager as we are,
Have the honor to to bare your image?

O God our King, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Holy. Holy. The earth is filled with your glory.
Earth and sea are set in their place by your word.
Wind and fire obey your command.
All the creatures of the air and land and oceans and rivers,
You have called us to care for and to see in them,
The wonder of your creative work.

O God our King, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

From theologian N.T. Wright:

Nicholas Thomas (N.T., Tom) Wright is a leading British New Testament scholar, Pauline theologian, and recently retired Anglican bishop of Durham, England. He also served as the Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at St Mary’s College in the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He is noted for works on justification, grace, the resurrection, and the writings of Paul, including his last work, “Paul and the Faithfulness of God” which is being hailed as Wright’s magnum opus. From his book, “For All God’s Worth.”
“…all the beauty of the world, the beauty that calls our admiration, our gratitude, our worth-ship at the earthly level, is meant as a set of hints, of conspiratorial whispers, of clues and suggestions and flickers of light, all nudging us into believing that behind the beautiful world is not random chance but the loving God.”

This week’s Gospel text is from John 9:1-7

Today’s Hymn of the Day is This is My Father’s World (ELW #824)

Prayers of the People – 8/6/17

In worship and trust in God our Creator, let us pray for the Earth, its lands and inhabitant, for the church, and for the needs of all people. Each petition will end, “Lord, in your mercy” to which the congregation responds, “Hear our prayer.” We observe a brief time of silence for preparation.

God of wonder, you who brought forth all that is from nothing, open our eyes to see in the wonders of creation your divine and beautiful handiwork. From the mysteries of the universe to the impressively tiny particles of life, all of creation declares your greatness. Stir in us gratitude, and a renewed desire to be good stewards of all that you have entrusted to our care. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Maker of land and seas, we pray for good weather, bountiful harvests, and equitable practices, that all people might share in the beauty and bounty of your earth. We remember the hungry and the homeless. We pray for those forced off their lands by war, violence, and climate – especially the millions in East Africa at risk of starvation due to prolonged drought conditions. Grant relief to parched lands and people. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Healer and bringer of hope, embrace those who suffer. Give peace to all who are near death, hope to those who are depressed, shelter to the homeless, and healing to the sick including Anna Bero, Cheryl Buettemeier, Phyllis Hahn, Claire Huehnerhoff, Mary Mehlum, Iris Schiffer, Vernette Rae, and Marilyn Van Brero. Be near to them, and comfort them in their suffering and uncertainty. Lord in your mercy.
hear our prayer.

All these things, and whatever else you see that we need, we pray, trusting in your mercy and wisdom, through Christ our Lord.

Our Communion hymns are My Song Is Love Unknown (ELW #343) and Come Down O Love Divine (ELW #804)

On the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.
Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.

All are welcome to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist.



And because there’s always something going on, the Announcements!

WELCOME TO WORSHIP! – Today we begin a new sermon series for the month of August titled “Elemental Worship: Earth, Water, Wind & Fire.” Pastor Dave leads us as we explore some of the most powerful Biblical imagery of the basic elements of creation. We’ll discover how God and God’s mission are revealed through earth, water, wind and fire, with a deep appreciation of creation but with our worship reserved for the Creator.

SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE – Our Summer Schedule runs from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend (15 Sundays) with one combined service at 10 am. The service style varies. Sometimes we worship more like our Traditional service offered at 9 am the rest of the year – like today’s service. Other times summer Sundays are more like our Mosaic style, our casual 11 am service. Often there are elements of both, or a blend of the two. And from time to time during the summer we try some “holy experiments” and worship in completely unique and creative ways. That’s part of the fun of summer – being together and worshipping Jesus Christ in all kinds of styles. There are often fellowship and/or learning opportunities following the service as well.

PLEASE WEAR YOUR NAME TAGS – This summer as we worship together, you’ll do a kindness to other members with whom you might not usually worship by wearing your nametag. It also allows the Communion Assistants to commune you by name. If you need a nametag, please contact Office Administrator Judy Giseburt in the office at 425-746-7300 or office@cofclc.net.

DON’T MISS THE BUS! The Good Start Back to School “bus” will be parked inside Cross of Christ until next Sunday. That’s where you can deposit donations for school supplies for low-income families in the Bellevue School District. Consult the flyer above the box for an updated list of needed supplies. Checks for purchasing supplies should be made out to Cross of Christ with “Back to School” marked in the memo line. If you have questions please call Arlene Palmerton at 425-746-9599. For more information log-on to www.congregations4kids.org.

PASTOR DAVE BURIED BENEATH MOUNTAIN OF PAPERS! – Are you willing to come to his rescue? Several months of unfiled sermons, worship planning notes, forms, minutes of meetings, and other “stuff” has really piled up, and Pastor Dave would love some help getting things organized and put away in his office this summer. Let him know if you are able to lend a hand – pastordave@cofclc.net.

THIRD SATURDAY HIKERS – will be traveling north to hike the hills of Artist Point, enjoying beautiful views of Mt. Baker and Mt. Shushkin as well as the company of good friends, new and old. Saturday, August 19, is the date. Question? Ask Erik Paulson.

BLAKE ISLAND TILLICUM EXCURSON – The Larks are planning an outing from Seattle’s Pier 54 to Blake Island on August 22. After an appetizer, the tour departs for a 45-minute boat ride to Blake Island and includes a Northwest Native American storytelling show and “Northwest Flavors” inspired buffet. You are free to explore the island until the return trip home. Check-in time at Pier 54 is 11 am, departure is 11:30 am, and the return to Seattle is 3:30 pm. The cost is $80.44 per person including the boat ride, meal, and entertainment. Please make your reservation payment to Heidi Fine. For more information please call or email Heidi – 425-885-6750 or finealso@comcast.net. A sign-up sheet will be at the Information Desk. We hope you can enjoy us for this great summer experience.

REFORMATION HYMN FESTIVAL – Friday at 7 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lynnwood, you are invited to a Reformation- based Festival of Hymns with David Cherwien (Music Director for the National Lutheran Choir) and Mark Sedio (Cantor, Central Lutheran of Minneapolis). Part of the annual Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinics, this uplifting service is free of charge.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT – Will you be traveling this summer or otherwise unable to attend worship? Take a peek at a new feature on our blog: ICYMI Worship! ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It, and it’s a brief roundup of our worship service each week that includes the readings, hymns, Pastor Dave’s Sermon Snapshot, the prayers, and announcements. You can learn more by visiting the Cross of Christ Facebook page and clinking on a link to ICYMI, or at http://www.crossofchristbellevue.org/category/icymi-worship/.

REMEMBRANCE WALL – Now is a great time to put new inscriptions in the Remembrance Wall. The wall gives us opportunities to honor or remember special people or special events in our or their lives. Ideas are marriage, anniversaries, baptisms, graduations, honor parents or family, military, and other memorable events. Take a look at the current wall and the memories it contains. Give it some thought and you, too, will think of something or someone to celebrate (hooray). Folders on cost and procedure are available at the Information Desk. You can call Sandra Volkman 425-644- 9604 or Lee Thompson 425-746-9128 or others on the Garden of Remembrance Committee to learn more. An order will be sent in for new requests on September 18. We have several ready to go already and many of you have said you are considering it. Decision time is now. We can have many sandblasted at the same time. What a blast that will be!

CROSSCURRENTS DEADLINE – Please have your articles to the office by August 15. The next CrossCurrents for September and October will be published September 1.


Our Sending hymn is All My Hope on God is Founded (ELW #757)



By God’s grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to

Worship God
Grow in Faith
Share the Gospel
Serve others, and
Welcome all.
Thanks be to God!

One Comment

  1. I like the ICYMI because if I missed something in the service I can go to this sight and find what I’m looking for.

    One note about the service last week, I had a hard time hearing Ben when he was doing that psalm and the contemporary music was difficult to sing.