We’re so excited that you’re interested in our Harvest Pack project! Read on for background and info about the project.
In spring of 2016, Cross of Christ youth attended a Quake weekend event, a chance to get together with other Lutheran teens for a weekend of fun, friendship, and worship. One of the activities we participated in was packing meals for Harvest Pack, an organization that provides food relief in the US and worldwide. We had the chance to learn a bit more about world hunger, to taste the meal we were packing, and to assemble 10,000 meals for distribution to disaster zones, refugee camps, and struggling communities. The teens who attended came back fired up about this issue, and asked if Cross of Christ could sponsor a Harvest Pack event, and here we are!
Cross of Christ’s Harvest Pack event will take place on January 15th, 2017, immediately after the 11am worship service (so, about noon). The entire project is expected to take under two hours, during which we’ll learn, share, snack, and pack 10,000 meals, before blessing them and sending them on their way.
However, as with any endeavor, the solution to success requires more than just showing up. For this particular endeavor, we need to raise $2500, meaning that we need commitments from people who’d like to participate in this project! This is one not just for the teens, but for friends and families as well. We need between 30-50 willing hands to pull this off, not just on the day of, but for the fundraising.
Did you miss our informational meeting? Get the handout here and email Kristie with any questions!
Want more specific information on the Harvest Pack organization? See below for info on its parent and partner organizations.
Our FUNdraisers will be as follows:
M&Ms (begins 10/16): 
We’ll be gifting you a tube of M&Ms. They’re tasty and awesome and eminently shareable in this nifty little container. However, this container is fabulous for more than just its chocolate! Each one will allow you to collect quarters. (We suggest eating the chocolate first.) Simply fill the container with said quarters and return it to church. Maybe share a shake with your friends and ask them for a quarter for each one? When it’s filled up, we’ll have $14 in quarters; if all 48 are returned, that will net us $672! Why would people want to give you a quarter for a couple of M&Ms, you ask? Because each quarter equals ONE meal for a hungry person in the Philippines–where the meals we’re packing are headed! Make sure to play that up–their random somewhat insignificant quarter provides a full stomach for someone on the other side of the world! Once filled, your tube will equal 56 meals; I bet you couldn’t carry THAT in your pocket!
12th Man (11/7-11/27):
Background on this one: at a Harvest Pack event, each table contains 11 people who work as a team to pack meals. Much like a football team, though, each table team relies on its supporters, just like the 12th Man of Seahawks lore. Our event is going to build on that idea and give people a chance to sponsor a table–to be OUR 12th Man. To add in the extra element of football fun, sponsors will pick one or more Seahawks games in November and commit to donating the amount of the Seahawks’ final score for that game (if you’re REALLY feeling motivated, you could donate the combined score!) We’ll have four tables for our food packing event, and there just happen to be four Seahawks games in November, meaning each table will have a sign with the names of its 12th Man sponsors during the event. It’s a great excuse to cheer the Hawks on to a win AND contribute to ending hunger; a Hawks score of 30 and an equivalent contribution from our 12th Man sponsor means another 120 meals per sponsor!
Change for Change, AKA SUPER RICE (11/27-12/18):
Did you know?
- About $50 in pennies fits in a gallon jar.
- About 16 cups of rice fit in a gallon jar.
- The rice will feed 32 people.
- The change will feed 200 people at $0.25/meal through the Harvest Pack program.
Bring us that loose change you have kicking around the house and we’ll turn it into SUPER RICE!
Want to know what a Harvest Pack event looks like? Check out the video below. We hope you’ll join us for ours!
Who is Harvest Pack? Check out their 501(c)3 listing on Guidestar.
The meals Cross of Christ packs will be distributed through one of Harvest Pack’s partner organizations: International Care Ministries. Their Guidestar page can be found here.