
ADULT FAITH FORMATION – We begin a new series today, “The Blessing of Four Gospels: Four Storytellers, One Story.”  This five-part series looks at the history, author, audiences, and emphasis of each of the four Gospels.  Sessions begin about 10 minutes after worship ends, in the Library, and end around noon. Come and grow in faith!

OKTOBERFEST – Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 10, starting at 4:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  All are invited – bring friends and family to join in the festivities.  There will be two sign-up sheets at the Information Desk.  The first is for you to indicate your attendance so ample brauts and hot dogs will be available and the second is a sign-up to help with providing food or with other tasks associated with the event, such as set up, decorations, clean-up, etc.    It takes many hands to have a successful event. We will have a free will offering for the Ark Scholarship Fund.  If would like to come but need a ride please let us know and we will work it out.  Questions?  Contact Heidi Fine or Gale Hill.

MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS – Today, all youth in grades 6-12 are invited to the Ropes Challenge Course at South Bellevue Community Center.  We’ll meet there at 1pm, and the course will take about 4 hours.  Bring your friends, a snack and water bottle, and a signed waiver, and get ready to keep Pastor Dave from falling to his doom!  The cost is $10 per person, scholarships available.

CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION – Preschool through 3rd grade will be starting on Sunday, October 10, during the Faith Formation time between services.  Volunteers needed on an occasional but constant basis; if you could commit to one or more Sundays every couple of months, we can use you!  Email Kristie for more info:

GOD’S WORK OUR FEET – We made it to Chicago and back!  You can still add your miles to the log book in the Narthex or email to Pastor Adrienne at until September 30.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS   – On Sunday, October 4, we will observe the Feast of St. Francis, with a Blessing of the Animals service following worship.  Keep an eye out for the VIP (Very Important Pet) entrance and seating area. For their own safety, please secure pets with a leash or crate.

PHOTO DIRECTORY – You can still get your picture taken for the photo directory.  Please call Judy Giseburt in the church office  to set up an appointment.  425-746-7300

CHURCH CLEAN-UP WORK PARTY!  Save the date – Saturday, October 3.  Lend a hand and some elbow grease to make our church clean and sparkle for Oktoberfest and the winter season.  We’ll work from 9 am to noon. The more the merrier (and faster too!).  See Art Hill for more info.

COMPASS-CASCADE WOMEN’S CENTER DONATIONS  – WELCA is collecting collect specific requests now for a few extra items including twin sheets, blankets, pots and pans, cooking utensils, plungers and toilet bowl brushes, bath and hand towels, and wash cloths.  Place any items you wish to donate in the bin near the Information Desk marked Cascade Women’s Shelter.  Thank you for you generous support.  Contact – Liz Clark at 425- 746-6278 or

SHOES (used) FOR SOUTH SUDAN – Your used shoes = Clean Water + Jobs in Africa + Disease Prevention + Less Waste!!  Now that’s some good math!  Bring used shoes and place in the box marked SHOES FOR SOUTH SUDAN in the narthex. What we can recycle: Men’s women’s, and children’s shoes. Cleats, sandals, dress shoes and athletic shoes alike. We cannot recycle: Shoes with holes, plastic “flip-flop” sandals, “crocs”, rubber boots, and any women’s fashion boots above the ankle.  Thanks!

WANTED: A GENTLY USED ESPRESSO MACHINE – Cafe Tanzania desperately needs an espresso machine. If you have a gently used espresso/cappuccino machine sitting under-appreciated on your kitchen counter, please consider donating it. Email Katie Huseby at with any donations. Thank you. Tanzania Café supports our mission work in northern Tanzania.

ARK SUBSTITUTE TEACHER – The Ark Child Care is looking for substitutes. Must be over 18 and love children. Experience with group care & Early Childhood Education is preferred, but will train.  Jan or Sarah: 425-644-5414 or email

PART-TIME SEXTON – Cross of Christ is accepting resumes for a new part-time sexton (custodian) position. The ideal candidate will have a passion for caring for the church grounds and campus, seeing them as valuable tools entrusted to the congregation for ministry.  The sexton position involves working with staff and lay volunteers, interacting with members and members of the public, and coordinating with vendors and service providers, so solid interpersonal skills are important, as is the ability to communicate via telephone and electronically.  Other important skills and experiences would be in the areas of landscaping, lawn, and grounds care, minor repairs and maintenance, and custodial/cleaning. The position is open to both internal and external candidates.  For more information, or to apply, send a resume to Pastor Dave.  The position is open beginning September 28.

SOPHIA WAY LUNCHEON – “You’re the Key” on Thursday, October 2, at 11:30.  We have a place for you at one of two Cross of Christ tables. Contact Margie Rogers at 425 868-5957 or to save a place.


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