FATHER’S DAY BLESSINGS – to all the dads in worship today. A special Litany and Blessing for Fathers is part of our service this morning.
ADULT FAITH FORMATION – today after the worship service in the Library, we continue our series “Grafted into the Olive Tree: Christianity’s Jewish Roots” with a look at Judaism at the time of Jesus. Next Sunday is our final session in this series and for the summer. During July and August Adult Faith Formation is on Summer Break, returning Sunday, September 11.
SPECIAL SERVICE – Interfaith Gathering of Peace and Solidarity with Orlando, today from 4pm- 5pm at Temple B’nai Torah. Our hearts are with those grieving in Orlando this week. Join TBT and “Friends in Faith”, including many members of our Interfaith Covenant Community, as we stand with Orlando in peace, solidarity and prayer.
PASTOR ADRIENNE’S WALKING OFFICE HOURS ON BREAK THIS WEEK – Pastor Adrienne is on vacation this week. Join her next Tuesday for walking and talking from 9-10 am at the Bellevue Downtown Park: 10201 NE 4th St. She will gather with you at the south side of the reflecting pond. Don’t forget your water bottle! Need a ride to or from the park? Call or email Pastor Adrienne at 425-746-7300 X105 or
WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S – Mark your calendar: 2016 Walk to End Alzheimer’s – Eastside. Sunday, September 18, at the Redmond Town Center. Join the Cross of Christ Team in the walk to advance Alzheimer’s support, care, and research. To join the team or to donate, contact Pastor Adrienne or go to:
TANZANIA TEAM MISSION NEEDS DONATIONS – Part of our mission is to bring needed items to the girl’s school. We are asking for donations for the following items: jewelry findings- stainless steel/ sterling silver earring hooks, barrel clasps, O-rings, (these can be found at JoAnne Fabric, Michaels with coupons), battery-operated smoke alarms for dormitories (can be found at Costco, First Alert that are good for 10 years), school supplies such as new pencils, new pink erasers, rulers, black pens, compasses, protractors (found at Dollars stores), and stethoscopes. Monetary donations are always accepted. You can make a check to Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Tanzania Mission. If you have questions call Mary Mehlum – 425-281-1967. Thank you for your help.
COME SEE PETE STEWART AND AN ORIGINAL BARBERSHOP MUSICAL “DISNEY NOIR” SATURDAY – The LARKS invite members and friends to see our own Peter Stewart perform in this fun musical production Saturday, 2 pm, at the Shorewood Performing Center Arts Center. We will carpool from Church at 12:45 to get early seats. After the show we return to Bellevue for anyone who would like to go to for dinner at Big Fish restaurant. Please pay Heidi Fine by check. Senior seating tickets are $15 per person. Pete Stewart will pick up the tickets for us. Reserved seating located in front and middle is available at $30 per person. To purchase tickets on your own, go to
VBS HELP NEEDED — St. Louise is looking for middle and high school students to help with Vacation Bible School this year. It will be held at St. Louise Catholic Church Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 1, 2016, 9 AM to Noon for Kindergarten and Elementary aged children. Please email Kristie if you are interested:
HELPING IN WORSHIP – There are many roles that are a blessing to fill during worship – usher, lector, communion assistant, assisting minister, choir member, band member, and cantor, to name a few. Have you ever considered one of these? Would you like to learn more – or maybe even sign up to participate? Go to the Cross of Christ website to sign up as a lector or assisting minister, or connect with Vernette Rae who coordinates these roles at to learn more. Director of Music Ministry David Hendrix is the contact for those wanting to know more about being a cantor or singing in choir for the Traditional Service, or to learn more about being a part of the Mosaic Band for our Casual service – David’s email is Helmut Rae is our Head Usher – contact him at Each week worshipers are called on to assist with communion distribution. Would you like to be a part of this meaningful ministry? Let Altar Guild Chair Gale Hill know –
DO YOU HAVE OLD PICTURES? – Do you have old photos of church activities? Our webpage team would love your old pictures from Cross of Christ activities. We’re hoping to get photos from a variety of activities featuring groups of all ages. Please label each picture with names, dates (approximate is fine) and the activity (if you can remember). Then put them in an envelope or folder clearly labeled with your name and leave them in Kristie Walker’s mailbox in the office. We’ll get them scanned and back to you within the week. If you have questions (or digital pictures!), you can email Thank you!
SOPHIA WAY THIS SUMMER – Consider providing lunch for the Day Center this summer. They typically serve approximately 25 guests during the summer months. To sign up visit the meal calendar at or if you prefer to make a monetary donation, please email A donation of $50-$75 in cash, check, or QFC gift card will cover the cost of lunch. Successes: In the last four weeks, five women were moved into permanent housing. Thank you for your support!
TANZANIA UPDATES FROM THE FIELD – Our Tanzania Mission Team will try to share updates with us as their mission progresses via an email distribution list, If you would like to receive these updates, please tell Pete Stewart by emailing him at Asante sana!
PASTOR ADRIENNE IS ON VACATION NEXT WEEK – June 20-27. She will be back in the office (and email and phone) on the 28th.