
TODAY IS REUNION SUNDAY! Today is a fifth Sunday, and the final Reunion Sunday of this worship season. This is also the kickoff of our Summer Worship Schedule. After our combined worship service today, come down to the Fellowship Hall to enjoy an Old Fashioned Church Picnic done potluck style, with fun and games for all afterwards. Hot dogs and hamburgers along with beverages are being provided by Cross of Christ – with thanks to our hard-working grill masters! Even if you didn’t bring any food to share, please feel welcomed – there’s always plenty to go around.

MEMORIAL DAY BLESSINGS We remember in prayer today those who have served and sacrificed for the liberties our nation enjoys, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you, veterans and active duty members and reservists of our armed services.

SCHEDULE FOR UPCOMING SUNDAYS Next Sunday is the date for our Annual Meeting, which will be held in Fellowship Hall following worship, beginning at approximately 11:15 am. Adult Faith Formation returns the following Sunday, June 12, after the 10 am worship service, and continues on the remaining June Sundays. During July and August Adult Faith Formation is on Summer Break, returning Sunday, September 11.

NO CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION/SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY due to the Reunion Sunday Picnic; we hope to see you there!  Our last day of Sunday School for the year will be next Sunday at 9:15 am (note the time change) in the Youth Room. We’ll be back after Labor Day with new fun lessons! See you then!

OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY FOR MEMORIAL DAY The office reopens Tuesday at 9:30 am.

MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR GLADYS ARNESON WEDNESDAY – The congregation is invited to the service at 10 am.  Condolence cards may be sent to: Art Arneson, 3208 Rejoice Way SE, Olympia, WA, 98501. The Memorial Reception Committee is asking the congregation’s assistance with the reception following the service.  Please contact Gale Hill at or at 206-940-1214 if you are able to help with set up, plating, providing food, and/or clean-up. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

WELCA COMBINED BIBLE STUDY THURSDAY Pastor Dave leads the study in the Library from 10 to 11:15 am.  All WELCA Circle members – and all other women of the congregation as well – are welcome.

PASTOR ADRIENNE’S WALKING OFFICE HOURS RETURN – beginning June 7! Join Pastor Adrienne for walking on Tuesdays from 9-10 am at the Bellevue Downtown Park: 10201 NE 4th ST.  We will gather at the south side of the reflecting pond. Don’t forget your water bottle! Need a ride to or from the park? Call or email Pastor Adrienne at 425-746-7300 X105 or

WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S Mark your calendar: 2016 Walk to End Alzheimer’s – Eastside.  Sunday, September 18, at the Redmond Town Center. Join the Cross of Christ Team in the walk to advance Alzheimer’s support, care, and research.  To join the team or to donate, contact Pastor Adrienne or go to:

 SOPHIA WAY –  needs:  shampoo, deodorant, toiletry/make-up bags, toothbrushes, make-up, dish detergent, laundry detergent pods, disinfecting wipes, sunglasses, gas cards, feminine hygiene products, twin sheets, clothing and shoes in small amounts (2 grocery bags at a time), breakfast items that can be cooked in a microwave. Donations can be brought directly to the shelter at St. Luke’s Lutheran (3032 Bellevue Way N.E.) between 9am and 3pm, Monday thru Friday.  There is also an Amazon wish list on the Sophia Way website for additional items that are needed,  You will find the wish list under “Get Involved” then “Make a donation” then “Amazon wish list.”


TANZANIA TEAM MISSION NEEDS DONATIONS Part of our mission is to bring needed items to the girl’s school. We are asking for donations for the following items: jewelry findings- stainless steel/ sterling silver earring hooks, barrel clasps, O-rings, (these can be found at JoAnne Fabric, Michaels with coupons), battery -operated smoke alarms for dormitories (can be found at Costco, First Alert that are good for 10 years), school supplies such as new pencils, new pink erasers, rulers, black pens, compasses, protractors (found at Dollars stores), and stethoscopes. Monetary donations are always accepted.  You can make a check to Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Tanzania Mission. If you have questions call Mary Mehlum – 425-281-1967. Thank you for your help.

 HELPING IN WORSHIP   There are many roles that are a blessing to fill during worship – usher, lector, communion assistant, assisting minister, choir member, band member, and cantor, to name a few.  Have you ever considered one of these? Would you like to learn more – or maybe even sign up to participate? Go to the Cross of Christ website to sign up as a lector or assisting minister, or connect with Vernette Rae who coordinates these roles at to learn more. Director of Music Ministry David Hendrix is the contact for those wanting to know more about being a cantor or singing in choir for the Traditional Service, or to learn more about being a part of the Mosaic Band for our Casual service – David’s email is

Helmut Rae is our Head Usher – contact him at Each week worshipers are called on to assist with communion distribution. Would you like to be a part of this meaningful ministry?  Let Altar Guild Chair Gale Hill know –

AN ORIGINAL BARBERSHOP MUSICAL “DISNEY NOIR” The LARKS invite members and friends to see our own Peter Stewart perform in an original Barbershop Musical “Disney Noir” at 2 pm Saturday, June 25, at the Shorewood Performing Center Arts Center. We will carpool from Church at 12.45 to get early seats. After the show we return to Bellevue for anyone who would like to go to for dinner at Big Fish restaurant. Please pay Heidi Fine by check. Sign up at Information Desk by May 31. Senior seating tickets are $15 per person. Pete Stewart will pick up the tickets for us. Reserved seating located in front and middle is available at $30 per person.  To purchase tickets on your own, go to

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