ADULT FAITH FORMATION – We’re on Easter Break today. Next week we will continue our series titled “Ephesians: A Study in Unity.” This study focuses of the letter Paul wrote to the churches of Ephesus focusing on the uniting and reconciling mission of Jesus Christ. You’re invited to come to this uplifting, energetic time of learning in the Library between worship services on Sundays, beginning at approximately 10:15 and ending at 10:55.
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION/SUNDAY SCHOOL – for age 3-3rd grade continues! Our Faith Formation program is designed for children to be able to drop in any time they happen to be here. We’d love to have your child join us!
OFFICE CLOSED EASTER MONDAY – as we continue to celebrate the good news of the Resurrection, and provide a day of rest and recovery for our staff after this busy season and Holy Week. For those groups who have meetings and events scheduled on campus tomorrow, please remember you are responsible for unlocking and locking doors and for set-up and take-down for your group. Please do not leave doors unlocked – once your group has arrived please relock the doors. Thank you.
SPRING CLEANING: The Sunday School students are running a “Spring CLEANing” towel drive as part of their upcoming unit on being servants! They’d like to invite you to bring new and or good-condition used towels to the collection box in the Narthex beginning the first Sunday after Easter. The towels will be donated to Compass Housing Alliance which provides services to homeless people in Seattle. Thank you for your support as our children learn about serving others!
CROSS OF CHRIST HOSTING SOPHIA WAY SHELTER IN MARCH – Cross of Christ is providing shelter for 12-24 women overnight, from 8:30 pm to 6:45 am. Two staff members from Sophia Way and/or Catholic Services are on site during these hours. To provide a meal log onto or contact Ann Huseby at 425-922-6319 or
CROSS OF CHRIST GOLF – at Snoqualamie Falls. It is spring, time to dust of your golf clubs! There is a signup sheet at the Information Desk. We begin May 5 at 10:15am. If you have questions please call Tom Fine at 425 885 6750
LWR PERSONAL CARE KITS – Due to the growing refugee crisis, wars and disasters, there is great need for personal care kits at this time. WELCA collects items and money through March and into April. Needed are light-weight, dark color bath towels (20″ x 40″ to 27″x 52 “) and bath-size soaps (4 – 5 oz.) in original wrapping. Nail clippers, combs and toothbrushes are purchased in bulk, so money donations are most appreciated. Money for shipping is always welcome as well. Make checks out to Cross of Christ with “LWR Personal Care Kits” or “LWR shipping fund” on the memo line. Your compassion will make a big difference!
SEE THE TULIPS WITH THE LARKS – on a Skagit Valley Tulip Tour Thursday, April 14. The tour will leave from Cross of Christ at 8:30 am and return at approximately 6 pm. The cost of tour is $70 per person, a lunch BBQ is available for an additional $8 – $15. A sign-up sheet is available at the Information Desk in the Narthex. For more information contact Heidi Fine at 425 885 6750 or email
JOIN US AT THE BALLPARK – The LARKS are organizing an outing to Safeco Field for Sunday, September 4, to watch the Mariners play the Los Angeles Angels from our own private suite complete with great food! Carpools will leave from Cross of Christ. Sign up at the information desk. Cost is approximately $125 per person, payable to Jock McNaughton. Contact Jock at 425-641-1874 or to learn more.
WELCA SPRING LUNCHEON – Saturday, April 9, 11:30 am. Please come and bring your family and friends. Our own Jean Mills will tell her story of living in Saudi Arabia and the challenges of worship in a Muslim nation. Please sign up at the Information Desk. The proceeds from a free-will offering (after expenses) will be donated to a worthy charity.
THE ARK –The Ark needs substitute teachers. If you know anyone who is interested please contact Jan Galbraith at 425-644-5424.
ONGOING PRAYER CONCERNS – For those unable to attend worship: Lillian Anderson, Jim Bone, Pat Budzius, Leona Lenschow, Bill and Betty McConnell Mary Moen, and Gerry Pittenger.