WELCOME FOREST AND ALDEN HENDRIX! – Twin boys born to Sarah and David, our Director of Music Ministries, a week ago today. Mom and boys are doing just great. The twins will remain in the hospital for some time as they continue to grow but David reports all is going very well. Please continue to hold the Hendrix family in prayer as we celebrate with them!
ADULT FAITH FORMATION – “Angels and Demons: Myths, Misconceptions and Biblical Meaning” concludes today. A new series on the book of Ephesians begins next week. Adult Faith Formation meets in the Library between worship services, beginning at approximately 10:15 am.
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION/SUNDAY SCHOOL – for age 3-3rd grade continues! Our Faith Formation program is designed for children to be able to drop in any time they happen to be here. Right now we are taking a Lenten journey that will end with the joyful celebration of Easter. We’d love to have your child join us!
LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS – Each Wednesday through March 16 a soup supper will be served at 6 pm each Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall. A Midweek Lenten service will follow at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. If you would like to bring a pot of soup or help with the supper on March 9, please contact Sharen Stoll at Bellevuesharen@yahoo.com or 425-484-7078.
ARK SELLING CARDS TO BUY PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT – The Ark is selling four different boxed sets of beautifully embellished greeting cards, with envelopes, to raise funds for the purchase of new outdoor equipment. Samples are available today in the Narthex. Cost is $32.85 per set including tax. Orders can be placed next Sunday. Thank you for supporting the Ark!
LIGHTING PROJECT UPDATE – Significant progress was made this week! Most of the installation is completed, although several details remain to be worked out. Next steps include adjusting light levels and direction as well as learning the impressive programming capabilities of the system. Thanks for your patience during the installation process.
CROSS OF CHRIST HOSTING SOPHIA WAY SHELTER IN MARCH – Representatives of The Sophia Way and Catholic Community Services of King County contacted Cross of Christ this week with an urgent and last minute request. Their shelter for single women was desperately looking for a host congregation in March when the congregation scheduled to host was denied due to a new permitting process in that church’s city. With our extensive experience and with dedicated volunteers willing to step up at this late date to champion this cause, Cross of Christ has offered to meet this critical need. We will be providing shelter for 12-24 women overnight, from 8:30 pm to 6:45 am. At least two staff members from Sophia Way and/or Catholic Services will be on site during these hours. To learn more, or to volunteer to help with meals, please speak with Ann Huseby.
OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT SOPHIA WAY – Sophia Way also continues to seek donations of food, clothing and volunteers. Clothing donations can be dropped off at Value Village in Kirkland. 12515 116th Ave NE, Kirkland. Food can be dropped off at the Sophia Way Day Center at Sophia’s Place at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 3030 Bellevue Way. Volunteer orientation will take place this Thursday from 4-5 pm. Call Tara at The Sophia Way to R.S.V.P. at 425-463-6285.
NEW TIME FOR WEDNESDAY BIBLE BREAKFAST – 7:30 am, in the Conference Room (204). Everyone is welcome.
MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS – YouthQuake is coming! Please join us for this amazing weekend of fun and faith March 11-13 in Olympia. Talk to Kristie Walker for more details, or email youth@cofclc.org.
THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS – is offering a free class at Cross of Christ for to those living with mental illness. Peer-to-Peer is a 10-week class that will meet every Thursday beginning this Thursday and ending May 5, from 6:30-8:30 pm. The course is designed to offer an opportunity for growth and help one learn new skills for leading a healthy life. Contact Melissa@nami-eastside.org for more information and to sign up.
SEE THE TULIPS WITH THE LARKS – on a Skagit Valley Tulip Tour Thursday, April 14. The tour will leave from Cross of Christ at 8:30 am and return at approximately 6 pm. The cost of tour is $70 per person, a lunch BBQ is available for an additional $8 – $15. A sign-up sheet is available at the Information Desk in the Narthex. For more information contact Heidi Fine at 425 885 6750 or email finealso@comcast.net.
JOIN US AT THE BALLPARK – The LARKS are organizing an outing to Safeco Field for Sunday, September 4, to watch the Mariners play the Los Angeles Angels from our own private suite complete with great food! Carpools will leave from Cross of Christ. Sign up at the information desk. Cost is approximately $120 per person, payable to Jock McNaughton. Contact Jock at 425-641-1874 or jockandjudy@hotmail.com to learn more.
CHURCH WORK PARTY MARCH 12 – Contact Art Hill for more information at 425-747-6932 or ireland1946@hotmail.com.
WELCA SPRING LUNCHEON— Save the date: April 9 at 11:30 a.m. All women welcome.