Announcements (400x151)

WE CELEBRATE THE BAPTISM OF GRACE VIRGINIA ROGERS daughter of Elizabeth and David Rogers, and granddaughter of Cross of Christ members Mike and Laurie Beck. Grace will be baptized at the 9 am Traditional service today. Grace and her family live in the Fort Worth, Texas area.  May God bless Grace and her family on this special day!

ADULT FAITH FORMATION – Pastor Dave continues his series today on the fascinating Old Testament book of Ruth. The four-part series, “Ruth: A Study in Faithfulness” runs through January 24. Adult Faith Formation meets between worship services in the Library, beginning at approximately 10:15 and ending at 10:55. Come join these lively, informative, and fun studies.

CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION/SUNDAY SCHOOL IS BACK – for children ages 3 through 3rd grade!  This month we’re studying the Fruit of the Spirit.  We’ll meet in the Youth Room starting about 10 minutes after the first service and finishing at 10:50.  We hope to see you there!

REMEMBER THE KEN NELSON FAMILY IN PRAYER as they continue to seek God’s peace following Ken’s death Monday and Memorial Service yesterday. Wanda and the family are grateful for your cards, calls, and other acts of kindness.

CAST CALL FOR THE STEWARDSHIP PLAY 2016! – Tuesday at 7pm in the church library.  Our next year’s play will be Friday, April 15, at 7pm and Saturday matinee on April 16 at 1 pm.  If you like to sing, play the piano or other musical instrument, laugh, ham it up, be on stage or back stage helping with props, lighting, sound, live and recorded music, join the group for a good time!  All who come to the cast call will be included in a merry version of stewardship!

WEDNESDAY BIBLE BREAKFAST – Wednesday Morning Bible Study is back after the holiday break. Join us in the Library each Wednesday at 8 am.  Everyone is welcome.

REUNION SUNDAY AND HYMN SING – On January 31 (the fifth and final Sunday of the month) we’ll worship together at one service at 10 am.  Following a time of refreshments and fellowship, you’re invited to return to the Sanctuary for an Old Fashioned Hymn Sing.  We’ll sign some all-time favorites and standards, and take requests as well.  So mark the date on your calendars and be looking through your hymnals!

SOPHIA WAY has temporarily stopped accepting most clothing donations.  However, they always need underwear and socks.  Donations can be brought directly to the day center between 12:30 and 2:00 pm.

A big thank you to Miriam Circle for making lunch happen on Jan. 6.  Upcoming lunches are as follows:  Naomi Circle – Feb 2; 7-11 Circle – March 1; Deborah Circle – April 5; Esther Circle – May 3; Mary Circle – June 7.  Thank you for your support.

CHECK OUT PASTOR DAVE’S BLOGon the newly updated Cross of Christ website: Pastor Dave starts the week off with “Monday Musings” where he shares his sometimes deep, but sometimes quirky observations about just about anything and everything. It’s kind of like having a cup of coffee and some casual conversation with Pastor to start off the week.  And if you haven’t checked out our new-look website, you should!

 DO YOU USE FACEBOOK?  – Are you on Instagram?  If your answer to either of those is “YES,” then you should be following Cross of Christ’s social media accounts for interesting tidbits, blog posts, and pictures.  We’d love to have you follow us… online!

THE CROSS OF CHRIST YOUTH ARE AT IT AGAIN!  – Please help us as we collect food and donations for the Souper Bowl of Caring, a national organization that mobilizes youth to address hunger in their communities.  100% of your donations will support food distribution programs at Hopelink here in Bellevue.  We’ll be collecting food and donations on Sunday January 24, Sunday January 31, and on Super Bowl Sunday February 7.  Stay tuned for more info!

YD RETREAT – YD Students: Don’t forget we have a retreat coming up!  The date for this one is SUNDAY (yes, Sunday) January 17- Monday, January 18.  We’ll begin at 11am on Sunday (yes, at the church service) and finish around 3pm Monday.  This will include our service project at Westside Baby in Seattle.  For more info, check your email or check in with Kristie:

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