EASTER BLESSINGS – We pray our services will be a blessing for members, their guests, and visitors as together we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Special thanks to the many who contributed to today’s worship experiences.
PASTOR DAVE ON VACATION THIS WEEK – with wife Barbara, visiting their son David at Briar Cliff University in Sioux City, Iowa. They hope to dodge the forecasted rain and thundershowers to catch David playing baseball. They’re also excited to join him at the Sioux City Art Center as he and fellow classmate unveil this year’s Briar Cliff Review, an annual Art and Literature publication on which David contributed as co-editor. They return to the Seattle area next Sunday evening. Please pray for a safe and enjoyable time for the family.
PASTORAL EMERGENCIES THIS WEEK – while Pastor Dave is on vacation, please contact Council President Gale Hill in the event of a pastoral care emergency. Gale will contact a local pastor to respond as needed. Ghill5250@gmail.com. Phone 425-747-6932.
ADULT FAITH FORMATION ON BREAK – due to many upcoming special Sunday events. Be looking for information on our Summer Series, which begins June 11.
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL – is also on break today. There are special Easter-themed items in the Children’s Activity Bags in the Narthex. Enjoy! Sunday School for children ages 3-10 returns next Sunday, 10:15-10:55 am, in the Youth Room.
OFFICE AND CAMPUS CLOSED EASTER MONDAY – to all activities. The office reopens Tuesday at 9:30 am.
GRIEF GROUP POSTPONED ONE WEEK – while we normally meet the third Wednesday of each month, in April we are meeting on the fourth Wednesday, April 26, due to Pastor Dave’s post-Easter vacation. All are welcome to join – 10 am in the Gathering Room (202).
NAMETAGS ARE A WAY TO “WELCOME ALL” – Thanks to those who are wearing your nametags faithfully each Sunday – and especially today with our many guests and visitors! It’s an act of hospitality. It helps when we experience a momentary memory lapse (yes you, Pastor Dave!) It also enables Communion servers to offer you the elements personally, by name. If you need a new nametag, please contact Judy Giseburt, Office Administrator, at office@cofclc.net or 425-746-7300 during office hours, Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am to 2 pm.
THIRD SATURDAY HIKERS – are Fourth Saturday Hikers this month! They are heading out this Saturday on a fun adventure. Come and enjoy God’s creation and the good company of wonderful folks. Questions? Contact Erik Paulson
QUILT SUNDAY NEXT WEEK – We will be blessing the handiwork of our members who give of their time and talent to show Christ’s love in such a beautiful and tangible way. Thanks, Quilters!
SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING NEXT WEEK – Voting members of Cross of Christ are encouraged to attend a Special Congregational Meeting between services next Sunday, beginning at 11:15 am, in the Fellowship Hall. The single purpose of this meeting is to consider required and suggested changes to our constitution and bylaws. The meeting will end by 10:55 am to allow for those who wish to be able to attend the Mosaic service at 11 am.
REUNION SUNDAY APRIL 30 – We will worship together at 10 am, with a service that will feature this year’s Stewardship Committee’s presentation in multi-media format. An Ice Cream Social follows in the Fellowship Hall. Join the fun of being together in worship and fellowship!
ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING – Please make plans to attend our annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 4, following the single 10 am service, with a lunch served prior to the meeting, beginning at 11:30 am.
TIME TO TEE IT UP AGAIN – Join the golfing fun and fellowship by joining the Cross of Christ Golf Group this summer. The group plays at Snoqualmie Falls Golf Course in Fall City on Thursdays, beginning May 4, and is open to golfers of all skill levels. A sign-up sheet is at the Information Desk. To learn more, call Tom or Heidi Fine at 425 885 6750.
THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE – We would like to extend out thanks to all of the members of Cross of Christ for donating much needed clothing and personal hygiene supplies to the Family Homeless Shelter and Day Center. All items were greatly appreciated, especially the warm clothing items needed during the many cold days this winter. Thanks to all!