Pastoral Care Team
And serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God’s diverse gifts.
1 Peter 4:10
The Pastoral Care Ministry encompasses many aspects of members helping members. Members of our congregation are generous in using their gifts to show love and concern for those in difficult times, or celebrating with those rejoicing.
Our Care Team provides transportation for Sunday morning worship and other church activities, meals, and other assistance as needed.
Our Grief and Loss Support Group meets the third Thursday of the month in the Youth Room, except for July and August.
Visitation and Eucharistic Ministers visit those who are homebound or cannot attend church, bringing fellowship and the Lord’s Supper as an extension of Sunday morning worship.
Our Prayer Net provides confidential prayer support for any concerns.
Our Library contains many resources for coping with illness, grief, and loss, and nurturing our relationship with God through prayer and other spiritual practices.