Welcome to ICYMI Worship!  ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It; our ICYMI series gives a brief snapshot of worship each week so that you can worship in your home, on the road, or wherever life takes you.

At Cross of Christ, our basic worship order is based on worship patterns from Hebrew traditions and biblical accounts of the earliest Christians:
We GATHER with songs and prayer,
We HEAR God’s word,
We SHARE a meal of bread and wine,
We are SENT into the world to love and serve.

Let us know how this format works for you.





O God, our teacher and guide, you draw us to yourself and welcome us as beloved children. Help us to lay aside all envy and selfish ambition, that we may walk in your ways of wisdom and understanding as servants of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen


Jeremiah 11:18-20   Today’s reading tells of the suffering of the prophet Jeremiah, who announced God’s word to Judah but was met with intense opposition and persecution. Jeremiah continues to trust in God in the midst of his suffering.

Psalm 54   God is my helper; it is the Lord who sustains my life. (Ps. 54:4)

James 3:13–4:3, 7-8a    The wisdom God gives unites our hearts and minds. Instead of living to satisfy our own wants and desires, we manifest this wisdom in peace, gentleness, mercy, and impartiality toward others.


Mark 9:30-37   Jesus’ teaching and action in this text are directed to the church whenever it is seduced by the world’s definition of greatness: prestige, power, influence, and money. The antidote to such a concern for greatness is servanthood.



Today we hear James warn against selfish ambition, while the disciples quarrel over which one of them is the greatest. Jesus tells them the way to be great is to serve. Then, to make it concrete, he puts in front of them an actual flesh-and-blood child. We are called to welcome the particular children God puts in front of us, to make room for them in daily interaction, and to give them a place of honor in the assembly.


“Children of the Heavenly Father”




“Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service”

On the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.

All are welcome to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist.


Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Strengthened by this holy meal, give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


YOUNG CHILDREN AND FAMILES ARE INVITED TO THE “PRAY-GROUND” – This special space in the Sanctuary is designed for our youngest worshippers and their families. Children age 8 and under are welcome to color, play games, enjoy age-appropriate books, and just have their own space in the back of the transept – the southeast corner of the Sanctuary. We LOVE having children in worship! We hope this special place helps make them and their families feel both welcome and comfortable.

ADULT FAITH FORMATION – Today 10:15 to 10:55 am, in the Library. “Christian Clichés: Half-Truths, Fake Faith, and the Uncovering of Unhelpful Sayings Based on the Bible – Or Not!” is a series exploring things all of us have heard that ring true at first, but in fact often are counter to the Biblical message. Join Pastor Dave as he leads this interesting study that will get you re-thinking, refocused, and reaffirmed in the core teachings of your Christian and Lutheran faith. Sundays between services. Note: Adult Faith Formation is on break next Sunday.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL – It’s back to Sunday School time! We’re taking a Whirl of a journey this year through stories in our NEW Whirl Story Bibles–please join us as we start with the Creation story and move through the Old Testament, meeting new people with fascinating stories to tell us. Our program for kids ages 4-10 will meet in the Youth Room between services starting today and is designed for any child to drop in at any time.

GOLF ON THURSDAY – Join the golfing gang at Snoqualmie Falls Golf Course. For more details see the signup sheet at the Information Desk in the Narthex.

FINAL CALL FOR BACK-TO-WORK CLOTHING DRIVE – Today through next Sunday are the final days of this drive, during which we are collecting work-appropriate clothing for men and women as they transition into the work force, go on interviews, head back to school, and for any other times nicer clothes are appropriate. With the tremendous response   already, Pastor Dave is seeking volunteers to help inventory, sort, and prepare donations for distribution in early October. If you are willing to help, speak with Pastor Dave or send him a message at pastordave@cofclc.net.

CONGRATULATIONS TO MARGARET HARO – daughter of Liz and John Haro, on her wedding today. Margaret, who grew up and was confirmed at Cross of Christ, marries Antonio de la Fuente this afternoon in Kent, with Pastor Dave officiating.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION – Pastor Judy is collecting box tops for the PTA of her children’s school throughout the year. They can be found on various boxes, like Cheerios, Kleenex, etc. Just clip them out and stick them in her mailbox. Thank you!

CofC TO HOST SOPHIA WAY EMERGENCY WOMEN’S SHELTER – An urgent request from Sophia Way to be a one-time, temporary hosting site for October and November has been reviewed and approved by the Church Council. Sophia Way would have been without a site for these two months, as this year as they were able to extend their services through the summer at their previous hosting congregation, St. Peter’s United Methodist Church. Due to Bellevue city regulations, a new site was desperately needed. A team of CofC volunteers has stepped up to assist and seeks more helpers. The shelter will be open overnight, from 8:30 pm to 7 am, and will be housed entirely in the Fellowship Hall. To learn more, speak with Dorinda Otto, who is coordinating volunteers, or Pastor Dave.

OFFICE CLOSING EARLY THURSDAY – Please note shortened hours for the office Thursday are 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Thank you.

9th ANNUAL CONGREGATIONS FOR THE HOMELESS LUNCHEON – Join us Thursday, October 18, 11:30 am, at Bellevue Presbyterian Church. Guests will be asked to make a donation in support of the work of CFH. To register please go to www.cfhomeless.org. If you want to sit with other CofC members, please enter “Cross of Christ” as your table captain.

LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS – Thanks to your recent donation, kits have been assembled and are almost ready to be shipped all over the world – wherever they are most needed. Donations are needed to cover the cost of shipping. To donate, make your check out to Cross of Christ Lutheran Church with LWR School Kits in the memo line. Thank you for supporting this meaningful ministry!

PLASTER HOUSE FUND-RAISING EVENTS – You are invited Tuesday, October 2, to two update/fund raising events: a luncheon at the Women’s University Club in Seattle and an evening presentation with bites and drinks here on the Eastside at the Barbee Mill Community Beach Club on Lake Washington in Renton. The Plaster House is one of the organizations supported by the Tanzania Mission Fund and visit by our Mission Teams in 2012 and 2016. Learn more at www.theplasterhouse.org.


This year’s Stewardship Play – “So You Think You Can’t Dance” – brings a fun, upbeat, inspiring message about who has what it takes to dance – and to be a cheerful steward. Come see what the salsa has to do with stewardship during worship next Sunday, September 30, at one combined service at 10 am.

PRAYERS FOR HOMEBOUND MEMBERS – Marilyn Van Brero, Ellie Dennison, Ed and Phyllis Hahn, Doris Lundquist, Bill and Betty McConnell, Mary Moen, Marlys Paulson, Jane Pittenger, and Norman Stromer.



May God Creator bless you and keep you.
May Christ be ever light for your life.
May the Spirit of Love be your guide and your path for all of your days.
In the name of the Father, and of the † Son and of the Holy Spirit.


“God of Justice”

By God’s grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to

Worship God
Grow in Faith
Share the Gospel
Serve others, and
Welcome all.

Thanks be to God!




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