Welcome to ICYMI Worship! ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It; our ICYMI series gives a brief snapshot of worship each week so that you can worship in your home, on the road, or wherever life takes you.
At Cross of Christ, our basic worship order is based on worship patterns from Hebrew traditions and biblical accounts of the earliest Christians: We GATHER with songs and prayer, We HEAR God’s word, We SHARE a meal of bread and wine, We are SENT into the world to love and serve. Let us know how this format works for you.
Pray always. Do not lose heart. This is the encouragement of the Christ of the gospel today. Persistence in our every encounter with the divine will be blessed. Wrestle with the word. Remember your baptism again and again. Come regularly to Christ’s table. Persistence in our every encounter with the divine will be blessed.
“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”
O Lord God, tireless guardian of your people, you are always ready to hear our cries. Teach us to rely day and night on your care. Inspire us to seek your enduring justice for all this suffering world, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Genesis 32:22-31 Returning to the home he had fled many years before after stealing his brother’s birthright and his father’s blessing, Jacob wrestles all night long with a divine adversary who ultimately blesses him and changes his name to “Israel,” a name that means “he wrestles with God.”
2 Timothy 3:14–4:5 Paul continues his instruction of Timothy, his younger colleague in ministry, by emphasizing the importance of faithful teaching despite opposition.
Luke 18:1-8 Jesus tells a parable of a hateful judge who is worn down by a widow’s pleas. Jesus is calling God’s people to cry out for justice and deliverance. For if an unethical judge will ultimately grant the plea of a persistent widow, how much more will God respond to those who call.
PASTOR DAVE’S SERMON SNAPSHOT: “Jesus Delivers a Punchy Parable”
In difficult times, we sometimes hear people say, “The only thing that we can do is to pray”—as if prayer is a weak substitute for more meaningful remedies, which perhaps we could work out if only we tried harder or maybe, if we had more faith. But Jesus in this parable reminds us that prayer itself – and the belief that God hears our prayers, cares about our concerns, has the power to set things right and indeed will one day – is itself an act of deep faith.
May we be found to be people of persistent prayer and consistent faith, in all our circumstances and in all our days, until that great and glorious day for which we long, when all injustices cease – the day of our Lord’s return. Amen.
“Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright”
Led by the Holy Spirit, we offer our prayers, trusting in God’s mercy, wisdom, and love. Each petition will end “Lord in your mercy,” to which the congregational response is “Hear our prayer.”
God of all seasons, grant us joy in these autumn days. As the daylight shortens and summer’s green give way to the oranges, yellows and reds of fall foliage, bring rest to the land and those who work with it, bringing forth the harvest for which we give you thanks. Lord, in your mercy…
Hear our prayer.
God of all lands, mercifully extend your ancient promises to all people. Keep and defend the nations from evil, and be their shade and protection. Held in your steadfast love, guide our one human family in ways of harmony, justice, and peace. Lord, in your mercy…
Hear our prayer.
God of all wisdom, speak to us in our encounters with your Holy Scripture and Holy Sacraments. Encourage, inspire, and equip ministers of faith formation, so that all who belong to you may grow in faith and in their capacity to share and serve in your name. Lord in your mercy…
Hear our prayer.
God of all the hurting, hear the cries of those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, especially members of this community of faith and those dear to them who have asked for our public prayers: Anna Bero; Dennis Bero; former member John Boyd; Fred Corwin; Linda Ernst; Ed Hahn; Phyllis Hahn; Darlean Hanner; Audrey Harris; Ruth Huehnerhoff; Eileen Johnson; Priscilla Kanestrom; Jeanne Lawson; Doris Lundquist, Jim Lyon; Bill McConnell, Betty McConnell, Mary Moen, Marlys Paulson; Marilyn Van Brero; Sandra, daughter of Dick and Darlean Hanner; and Spike, son of Wanda Nelson. Lord in your mercy…
Hear our prayer.
Into your hands we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy and grateful for you love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
“Holy Communion”
On the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.
All are welcome to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist.
INVITATION TO COMMUNION – At Cross of Christ and throughout the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we practice Open Communion. You will hear the Assisting Minster make this open invitation with the words, “All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Christ is the host; we extend his invitation to all.” Please be invited to join us. Please also feel comfortable if you decide to not receive Holy Communion today. Most Sundays we come forward to receive the bread and the wine. If you would like to receive Communion where you are seated, please let the ushers who are assisting know your preference. We would be happy and honored to bring the Communion elements to you.
YOUNG CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ARE INVITED TO THE “PRAY-GROUND” – This special space in the Sanctuary is designed for our youngest worshippers and their families. Children age 8 and under are welcome to color, play games, enjoy age-appropriate books, and just have their own space in the back of the transept – the southeast corner of the Sanctuary. We LOVE having children in worship! We hope this special place helps make them and their families feel both welcome and comfortable.
ADULT FAITH FORMATION – returns today as we continue our study of the book of Acts. Adult Faith Formation meets between services, from 10:15 to 10:55 am, in the Library, led by Pastor Dave.
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY – All kids age 4-10 are invited to join Miss Kristie for a fun time of learning from 10:15 to 10:55 am, in the Youth Room.
LECTORS NEEDED! – Please consider signing up to read one of the lessons during worship for an upcoming Sunday. It’s a joy to hear God’s word shared in many voices. To participate in this meaningful way, go to the Cross of Christ webpage – www.crossofchristbellevue.org – and click on the “volunteer” link. You can also call Office Administrator Judy Giseburt during regular office hours and she will get you signed up. Readings are sent to lectors ahead of time. Thank you.
SENIOR LUNCHEON MONDAY – Join us tomorrow for the next in our series “Senior Living 101” – sponsored by Sunrise of Bellevue, from 11:30 am-1 pm, in the Library. This is the second of three free informational luncheon sessions this fall/winter. Friends, neighbors and family members are welcome. The third session, “Crisis File Presentation: How to Prepare for a Senior Care Crisis Before it Happens” – takes place on November 18, sponsored by Aegis of Bellevue. Contact Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries Judy Brennan to learn more or to reserve your spot – or sign up at the Information Desk in the Narthex.
CAMERA CLUB MEETS THURSDAY – beginning at 6:30 pm in the Conference Room. This month’s theme is Autumn Colors. Bring a couple of photos on a USB drive to share with the group that shows off the beautiful fall foliage. Come view the photos that we have to share with you. Want to learn how to use features on your smart phone to take better pictures? Erik Paulson will be sharing what he’s learned from his iPhone. Questions? Jay Marsh, Gorman Colling, or Erik Paulson can help.
REFORMATION WORSHIP & FUN CHURCH POTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY – We celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit through Martin Luther and other reformers who called the church back to the central message of the gospel of grace in one combined 10 am worship service, followed by our next Congregational Fellowship event. Please join us for “Reforming Through the Decades” potluck in the Fellowship Hall. There will be games, themed decorations, and of course, wonderful potluck food representing the dishes popular in the decades since Cross of Christ’s founding. A signup sheet is available in the Narthex. Contact Fellowship Chair Linda Capron (425-898-0263, capron@comcast.net) for more information.
EASTSIDE COMMUNITY FORUM ON HOMELESSNESS & POVERTY – Next Monday, October 28, from 6:45-pm join Catholic Community Services, Hopelink, Congregations for the Homeless, The Sophia Way, and Friends of Youth to learn what you can do to give hope for a brighter future. This event will be held at St Jude Catholic Church in Redmond. Please RSVP at https://eastside-community-forum-on-homelessness.eventbrite.com
HOLIDAY POPS CONCERT DECEMBER 7 – The Larks are planning a trip to the Seattle Symphony for the Holiday Pops concert with the University of Washington Chorale under the direction of Jacoma Bairos, conductor. The concert is December 7 at 2 pm and the cost is $47 per person. We have three parking passes and plan to carpool from Cross of Christ. We are taking orders now – a signup sheet is available at the Information Desk in the Narthex. For more information please contact Heidi Fine or Sharen Stoll.
FREE HYMNALS – There are a few unneeded extra ELW (Green Book) hymnals available at the Information Desk in the Narthex for anyone who would like one. First come, first served.
UPDATE ON QUILTS – Sixty-six quilts are on their way to new homes overseas and locally. They were sent to Lutheran World Relief (48), Sophia Way (10), Baby Corner (7), and Congregations for the Homeless (1). Join the CofC Quilters on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from 10am to 2 pm to begin getting the spring group of quilts made. Bring a lunch. You are welcome to join us.
SUPPORT DAYS FOR GIRLS – A group has formed at Cross of Christ to support the Days for Girls (DFG) organization. You can learn more at our next meeting Tuesday, 10:30 am, in the Library. DFG increases access to menstrual care and education so girls can stay in school. The DFG group at Cross of Christ is partnering with Operation Bootstrap Africa to send funds to Tanzania to purchase kits for students at the MaaSAE Girls Lutheran Secondary School. The goal this fall is to purchase 425 kits at $7/kit from a local DFG enterprise organization in Arusha, Tanzania. There are multiple benefits to this approach – no need to organize a sewing project, elimination of overseas shipping costs, and it supports a local business which helps their economy. The Cross of Christ DFG group already has raised $2,100 to get started in their support. They would like to encourage others to consider contributing to this ongoing ministry. If contributing by check, please make your check out to Cross of Christ and note “DFG” in the memo line. Contact Carol McCandless to learn more.
NAME TAGS ARE SIGNS OF WELCOME – You’re encouraged to wear your Cross of Christ name tag to worship each Sunday. This simple act helps people get to know one another, is welcoming for guests, and is greatly appreciated by the pastor (who, try as he might, occasionally temporarily forgets names!). If you have misplaced your name tag, or haven’t received one but would like to, Office Administrator Judy Giseburt would happily make you one. Contact Judy in the office at 425-746-7300 or at office@cofclc.net.
PRAYERS FOR HOMEBOUND MEMBERS – Ed and Phyllis Hahn, Doris Lundquist, Ruth Huehnerhoff, Bill and Betty McConnell, Mary Moen, Marlys Paulson, and Marilyn Van Brero.
The God of all grace, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you now and forever.
“Fairest Lord Jesus”
By God’s grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to
Worship God
Grow in Faith
Share the Gospel
Serve others, and
Welcome all.
Thanks be to God!