Welcome to ICYMI Worship!  ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It; our ICYMI series gives a brief snapshot of worship each week so that you can worship in your home, on the road, or wherever life takes you.

At Cross of Christ, our basic worship order is based on worship patterns from Hebrew traditions and biblical accounts of the earliest Christians: We GATHER with songs and prayer, We HEAR God’s word, We SHARE a meal of bread and wine, We are SENT into the world to love and serve. Let us know how this format works for you.


“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” – Author John Lubbock

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from the Lord.” – Psalm 62:1



As we gather on this Sabbath Sunday, we come to the God of Rest and Restoration, asking the Lord to hush our hearts, still our souls, and calm the chaos, that we may rest in the Divine. 

Amen, Come Gracious God.

The God who created and rested from creation built rhythm into the world – day and night, times and seasons, work and rest, worship and mission, gathering and sending.

Amen, Come Heavenly Father.

Our weekly gatherings are set to a holy, God-ordained rhythm. The Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies us as through signs and symbols, seasons and festivals, rituals and rites, reminding us of the gospel story, the story of grace, hope, love, and peace.

Amen, Come Loving Lord.

Once more we are called together this Sabbath day. Once more we will praise our God. Once more by God’s grace we will be filled. Once more in Christ’s name we will be sent out to share and to serve.

Amen, Come Gentle Spirit.

May the collection of holy practices handed down to us – adoration, confession, assurance; scripture, prayer, reflection; sharing the peace, the bread, the wine; blessing, sending, singing – be means of grace through which God brings us rest, rhythm, and restoration.

Amen, Come Holy Trinity – Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer. Come.



“Blessed Assurance”



Prince of Peace, you promise to be with us in our seasons of celebration and in our times of chaos, bringing to us rest and restoration. Quiet our hearts and calm our souls, that we may rest in you. This we pray in your holy name, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
forever. Amen.


Isaiah 14:5-7     

4-6 Can you believe it? The tyrant is gone!
    The tyranny is over!
God has broken the rule of the wicked,
    the power of the bully-rulers
That crushed many people.
    A relentless rain of cruel outrage
Established a violent rule of anger
    rife with torture and persecution.

7-10 And now it’s over, the whole earth quietly at rest.
    Burst into song! Make the rafters ring!


PASTOR DAVE’S SERMON SNAPSHOT: “Shaqat – Peace-filled Rest”

As Shabbat–or Sabbath–rest is a time of ceasing from labor and laborious worries, Shaqat is the calm or quiet that God brings to us right in the midst of our day-to-day activities, and even into our times of confusion, concern, and chaos.  Shabbat calls us to cease all else in order to seek our rest in the Lord.   Shaqat is God’s promise to come to us in the midst of our often turbulent and trying times to bring us peace, assurance, stillness and rest.

 The Shaqat of God – this promised rest, tranquility, calm, and peace – is not just a promise for someday, however.  While we will experience peace and rest most fully in God’s kingdom to come, even now we can practice peace-filled rest by following the biblical principles of Shaqat.



“When Peace Like A River (It Is Well With My Soul)”



We pray for peace in our souls, O Lord. Help us to trust your word and believe in your promises. Teach us to live according to your life-giving rhythm.  Guide us along paths of righteousness, where we will find our rest in you. Spirit of mercy…

Hear our prayer.

We pray for peace in the church, O Lord. Unite all Christians in our love of you, and grow in us a love for one another. Help us break down barriers that divide while honouring our differences and diversity. Give to this community of faith energy for today’s ministries and a vision for future mission. We also pray this week for our ELCA East King County Cluster sister congregation Mount Si Lutheran Church, North Bend, and Pastor Krista Mendoza. Spirit of mercy…

Hear our prayer.

We pray for peace in our world, O Lord. We continue to ask for your spirit to minister to all those impacted by gun violence and mass murder, especially in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. Inspire us to be active agents of peace, engaged citizens who stand for liberty and justice for all. Spirit of mercy…

Hear our prayer.

We pray for peace for all who live under any form of tyranny – political, emotional, spiritual or physical. Lift the burden of the weary, and console the heart of all the hurting.  We lift to you the names of members of this community of faith and those dear to them who have asked for our public prayers: Anna Bero; Dennis Bero; former member John Boyd; Ellie Dennison; Linda Ernst; Phyllis Hahn; Audrey Harris; Ruth Huehnerhoff; Eileen Johnson; Priscilla Kanestrom; Jeanne (pronounced as Jean, one syllable, no “ee” sound at the end) Lawson; Marlys Paulson; and Marilyn Van Brero. Sprit of mercy…

Hear our prayer.

Into your hands we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy and grateful for you love, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.



“Holy Communion”

On the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.

All are welcome to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist.



WELCOME TO WORSHIP – It’s a challenge to find a godly rhythm for our lives when we often feel the pressure to work, do, and be more and more.  How do we balance work and rest, tasks and play, activity and down time in ways that are efficient, effective, healthy and life-giving? Today we continue “Rest, Rhythm, and Restoration,” a four-part series that explores Scriptural models for rest based on four biblical “restful” words and principles:

Today – “Shaqat – Peace-filled Rest” based on Isaiah 14:5-7

August 18 – “Daman – Rest in the Lord” based on Psalm 37:7-9

August 25 – “Anapauo – Rest for the Weary” based on Mathew 11:28-30

We’ll explore the topic and consider practices that help us find a better balance to our lives. Welcome all.

INVITATION TO COMMUNION – At Cross of Christ and throughout the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we practice Open Communion. You will hear the Assisting Minster make this open invitation with the words, “All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Christ is the host; we extend his invitation to all.” Please be invited to join us. Please also feel comfortable if you decide to not receive Holy Communion today.  Most Sundays we come forward to receive the bread and the wine. If you would like to receive Communion where you are seated, please let the ushers who are assisting know your preference.  We would be happy and honored to bring the Communion elements to you.

YOUNG CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ARE INVITED TO THE “PRAY-GROUND” – This special space in the Sanctuary is designed for our youngest worshippers and their families. Children age 8 and under are welcome to color, play games, enjoy age-appropriate books, and just have their own space in the back of the transept – the southeast corner of the Sanctuary. We LOVE having children in worship! We hope this special place helps make them and their families feel both welcome and comfortable.

ADULT FAITH FORMATION – Adult Faith Formation meets after worship, from 11:15 to noon, in the Library. Pastor Dave is our guide as we continue our series on the book of Acts.  Join us!

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL RETURN SOON! – Children’s Sunday School is taking the summer off and returning September 8. We look forward to growing in faith together! Sunday School is for kids age 4 through 10.

LAST CHANCE TO SUPPORT GOOD START BACK TO SCHOOL – Cross of Christ, as part of Congregations for Kids, has been collecting donations to help low income families in the Bellevue School District start the upcoming school year well equipped and with pride. Today is the last day of the drive! Please leave your donations in the box in the Narthex, where the bus is “parked”. You can also make a donation by check made out to Cross of Christ with “Back to School” in the memo line, put in the offering plate or brought to the office. Remember to check with your employer about matching gifts to Congregations for Kids. The bus departs this afternoon for Spiritridge Elementary School where our donations will be added to those of other Eastside congregations and organizations. Questions? Contact Arlene Palmerton 425-746-9599. Thank you!

LWR SCHOOL KITS – As the “Good Start Back to School” local drive wraps up today, we also looking beyond our borders to help school children around the world. We hope to collect 400-500 spiral binders and other needed items. The Cross of Christ team checks weekly specials for the best prices on the school supplies we need – so a great way to help is to donate money to enable the team to take advantage of bargains as they arise. More information on the Lutheran World Relief School Kit drive is coming soon. We’re grateful that Cross of Christ members have a history of generosity for supporting both local and international children and youth!

ROOF TRUSS UPDATE – We’re getting closer to work beginning to repair and bolster the Sanctuary roof trusses. Our construction firm anticipates beginning work on September 9. The project is expected to take about four weeks. At this time it appears that we will have use of the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall on weekends – although if need be, alternative arrangements have been made for worship. You will receive a letter from Church Council soon with more details.  Please keep this project in your prayers.

FALL CROSSCURRENTS – Please have your articles to the office by Thursday for the Fall Cross Currents for events in September, October and November. Email them to Judy at office@cofclc.net.

SOPHIA WAY LUNCHEON – SAVE THE DATE!  – We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, October 15, at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Bellevue.  Sophia Way is hoping to host 700 people this year, so please sign up early, and invite your friends!  Save your place online at  https://sophiaway.org/luncheon-2019/ or contact your table host, Dorinda Otto.  Come by yourself or bring a group of friends.

10th ANNUAL CFH LUNCHEON FUNDRAISER – Thursday, September 19, you are invited to an inspirational afternoon of giving to support the path from homelessness to stable living with Congregations for the Homeless. Doors open early at 10:30 am at Bellevue Presbyterian Church, 1717 Bellevue Way NE, for a meet-and-greet coffee hour. The luncheon begins at 11:30 am. There is no cost to attend the luncheon. However, all guests will be invited to make a gift to support CFH. Suggested minimum donation is $150.  To register please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/congregations-for-the-homeless-2019-fundraiser-tickets-63299114355.  If you would like to be seated at a Cross of Christ table select a CofC table captain when you register online. We really hope to see you this year!

SENIOR LUNCHEON TOPICS – This fall Cross of Christ will host three luncheons sponsored by local care providers on topics relevant to seniors.  These are free and you are welcome to invite family, friends or neighbors who also may be interested.  Each luncheon will be from 11:30 am-1 pm on the third Monday of the month.  RSVPs are helpful.  Contact Pastor Judy if you have any questions.

Sep 16 – How Do You Know It’s Time To Move? – sponsored by Aegis at Overlake

Oct 21-   Senior Living 101 – sponsored by Sunrise of Bellevue

Nov 18 – Crisis File Presentation: How to prepare for a senior care crisis before it happens – sponsored by Aegis  of Bellevue.


NAME TAGS ARE SIGNS OF WELCOME – You’re encouraged to wear your Cross of Christ name tag to worship each Sunday. This simple act helps people get to know one another, is welcoming for guests, and is greatly appreciated by the pastor (who, try as he might, occasionally temporarily forgets names!). If you have misplaced your name tag, or haven’t received one but would like to, Office Administrator Judy Giseburt would happily make you one. Contact Judy in the office at 425-746-7300 or at office@cofclc.net.

RECYCLING IS A GOOD WAY TO BE A GOOD STEWARD – Thanks for recycling while at Cross of Christ! The blue receptacles are for recyclables only.  What’s a recyclable?  Most items made of plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, and metal can be recycled.  Common items at church that can and should be recycled: used Bulletins (but not Announcements which we collect and have available throughout the week at the Information Desk), empty and dry paper coffee and water cups, Starbucks and similar empty and dry cups and lids (but not straws), and empty plastic water bottles. What are items often found in the blue recycle bins at church that should be placed in trash bins instead? Used facial tissues, used napkins and paper towels, non-empty paper coffee cups, non-empty water bottles and non-empty/clean Starbucks cups, food trash, food-soiled plates, bags and boxes, and all forms of Styrofoam. Plastic bags – like from grocery stores – also can’t be placed in the recycle bins. They should be taken to your local grocery store that collects and recycles them. In Bellevue and in many other places, recyclables must be “empty, clean and dry.” Items that could be recycled – like paper plates or cups – that are not empty, clean, and dry not only can’t be recycled, but potentially ruin other items in the recycle bin. Food and liquids in recyclables can allow mold to grow, which make the materials unacceptable for recycling.  Additionally, items that are not empty, clean, and dry have to be hand removed from the recycle bins by our “pastodian” who would greatly appreciate your help in making and keeping good recycling practices. Let’s be good recyclers, and good stewards! Thank you!

PRAYERS FOR HOMEBOUND MEMBERS – Ed and Phyllis Hahn, Doris Lundquist, Ruth Huehnerhoff, Bill and Betty McConnell, Mary Moen, Marlys Paulson, and Marilyn Van Brero.



“In Christ Alone”



By God’s grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to

Worship God

Grow in Faith

Share the Gospel

Serve others, and

Welcome all.

Thanks be to God!



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