
Karen Conley’s memorial service will be held at Cross of Christ, on Saturday, October 25 at 1pm.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS – Today we will celebrate St. Francis and the blessing of the animals. Animals and owners will be invited to join the closing procession and gather outside for the Blessing. Cats should be in carriers, dogs should be leashed, and other animals should be contained. Water and treats will be provided.

MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH, we hope to see you tonight!  We’ll be doing an obstacle course… blindfolded!  6pm in the youth room, but bring a raincoat if the weather calls for it!

SAVE THE DATE – I know it seems like summer just ended, but it is already time to start planning for Advent!  Our annual church smorgasbord will be held on Sunday, December 7th, so please mark your calendars for a festive, and of course, delicious kick off to Advent.  For more information, please contact Linda Capron.

WANT A PEW?  Cross of Christ has several surplus pews that were mostly removed during the last sanctuary remodel… around 20 years ago.  Council wants to offer these to the Cross of Christ community before exploring other routes of finding new homes for the pews.  Pews will be made available – FREE – on a first-come, first-served basis, and you’ll need to help Jeff load them in your vehicle.  If you’d like a bit of Cross of Christ in your home, please let the office know

COOKIES NEEDED for Sunday Morning Fellowship. The freezer is empty! Can you help fill it? You may sign up for a specific Sunday (sign up at the Information Desk), or bring cookies at your convenience and put them in the freezer for use as needed (please label “For Sunday Fellowship Hour”). Thank you.

THERE’S STILL TIME to sign up for the Cross of Christ Greeting Card Ministry. Help us show our love and care for one another by sending cards to our homebound members, those experiencing loss or pain, or those celebrating a major milestone in their lives. Sign up in the Narthex, or contact Bev Walker or Pastor Adrienne for more information.

THE SOPHIA WAY ANNUAL BENEFIT JOURNEY LUNCHEON is October 30th, 2014 at the Bellevue Red Lion. Once again Danny Rogers of the Red Lion is donating the space, staff and food. This is a luncheon to thank all the people who volunteer and support the Sophia Way and to raise much needed operating funds. Please put this date on your calendar and invite your friends! Place your reservations for this event and mention your preference to sit with Dorinda Otto as your table captain for Cross of Christ guests. The Sophia Way, 700 108th Ave NE, Suite 201, Bellevue, WA 98004     425-463-6285

DAY CENTER AT ST. LUKE’S-Volunteers are needed! There are opportunities to help out with serving lunch, assisting women with center equipment, distributing and sorting donations, gardening and interacting with women in a variety of ways. Training will be provided. If you would like to volunteer at the Day Center please call the office at 425-463-6285. Donations needed: women’s underwear (all sizes), backpacks, hiking shoes/sandals, first aid kit supplies & personal first aid kits, reusable water bottles.




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