Announcements (400x151)

ADVENT ADULT FAITH FORMATION Pastor Adrienne concludes her series on the Gifts of Advent today in the Library, beginning about 10 minutes after the first service until 10:55. No Adult Faith Formation next week. Our next series, Ruth: A Study in Faithfulness, begins January 3.

CHRISTMAS SERVICES SCHEDULE – Three special services are planned for Christmas Eve. A family-friendly service with an original children’s Reader’s Theater “Little Angels” at 5 pm; a Traditional Lutheran Liturgical Christmas Eve highlighted by Carillon Handbell Choir at 7 pm; and a choir-led service of “Nine Lessons and Carols” at 9 pm featuring a string quartet and other guest musicians. All services will include singing “Silent Night” by candle light and Holy Communion. Christmas Day service at 10 am, a celebrations of the Festival of the Nativity of our Lord, with special music and Holy Communion at the Altar Rail. Sunday, December 27, one combined service of Lessons and Carols at 10 am.

BE A READER FOR CHRISTMAS Additional lectors are needed for several Christmas services. Help share the good news by reading a lesson from Scripture. Needed are seven more readers for Christmas Eve 9 pm, two readers for Christmas Day 10 am, and five readers for the First Sunday of Christmas December 27 10 am. Talk to Pastor Dave if you are willing to help, or email

HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS  –  The Cross of Christ church office will be closed December 24-28 for Christmas, and December 31-January 3 for New Year’s.

 2015 YEAR END OFFERINGS – 2015 Offerings will be received through December 30, 2015 by ways of the Sunday offering collection, delivery to the church office, or mailed with a post-marked date no later than December 30, 2015.   Please contact the bookkeeper, Denise Fuentes, at 746-7300 ext. 108 with any questions or concerns.

WEDNESDAY BIBLE BREAKFAST  – This Bible study group meets in the church library each Wednesday morning at a new time, 8 am.  Everyone is welcome.

THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF MUSIC MINISTRIES The recent Advent Evensong worship experience was a big success, with 91 appreciative attenders and more than $1,000 raised to support Cross of Christ Music Ministries special events and musicians. Thanks to all who came and gave – your support and encouragement means a lot!

BLESSING OF THE COAT DRIVE In services today, we will bless the coats given to the Youth Coat Drive. We collected 141 coats! That’s more than we even imagined.  Once again members of Cross of Christ have come through in a very generous way to help their neighbors in need. Thank you!

CAST CALL FOR THE STEWARDSHIP PLAY 2016!  Tuesday, January 12 at 7pm in the church library.  Our next year’s play will be Friday, April 15, at 7pm and Saturday matinee on April 16 at 1 pm.  If you like to sing, play the piano or other musical instrument, laugh, ham it up, be on stage or back stage helping with props, lighting, sound, live and recorded music, join the group for a good time!  All who come to the cast call will be included in a merry version of stewardship!

CHECK OUT PASTOR DAVE’S NEW BLOG – On the Cross of Christ website: Pastor Dave starts the week off with “Monday Musings” where he shares his sometimes deep, but sometimes quirky observations about just about anything and everything. It’s kind of like having a cup of coffee and some casual conversation with Pastor to start of the week.  And if you haven’t checked out our new-look website, you should!

NEWS FROM THE SOPHIA WAY – The Sophia Way has moved 33 women into permanent housing this year.  Two women found sobriety; six new clients moved into the shelter in November. The Roscoe Fund helped buy a car for a woman to drive to work. Your donations are helping end homelessness on the Eastside. There will be two training sessions offered in January for those wishing to be Companions to a Sophia Way client. To learn more, contact Sophia Way at 425-463-6285 or

BOOKS FOR THE PEACE CORPS – Thank you to everyone who has donated.  We will be collecting children’s books through the end of the year for Katie Giseburt to take back to her school in Uganda.  There is a list in the Narthex of the types of books that are most helpful.

LOST AND FOUND – As we near the end of the year, we’ll be clearing out the Lost and Found and Will Call drawers in the Information Desk, as well as donating any unclaimed coats and jackets to charity.  Please claim any items that belong to you!


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